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Let's dive in to the world of cryptocurrencies. As with everything, let's start off with Bitcoin...
Before we get deeper, let's define these terms: Fiat money, Digital currency, and cryptocurrency...
Where did Bitcoin come from? From Satoshi Nakamoto to Bitcoin Pizza Day, let's learn about it...
Now, let's take a look at Bitcoin's more formal definition and deep dive on what it really is...
The idea Blockchain may be filled with jargons, but it doesn't have to be complicated to learn...
You might be wondering… What makes Bitcoin and its blockchain so secure? Introducing: Hashing...
Bitcoin's blockchain is based on a Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism. What does PoW mean?...
Cryptography is a vital aspect of the Bitcoin blockchain. Learn how Digital Signatures apply it...
Bitcoin is the scarcest asset on Earth because of its supply. Know how much and why its important...
Now that we understand how Bitcoin works, let's see how it fares against other forms of currency...
Double-spending, Inflation, and Financial Exclusion are just some that Bitcoin solves, but how?...
What does 'To the Moon', 'Shill', and 'HODL' mean? No need to go far, learn it all here...
You're done with the basics, now it's time to put your learning to work. Learn how to invest here...
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Let's explore the colorful world of NFTs by first reviewing the basics...
In first understanding NFTs, it helps to know what makes an item fungible and non-fungible...
Let's look at the past events that took place when the NFT technology first gained traction...
NFTs can serve as proof of ownership for digital objects and items. Know more about it here...
We discussed what NFT do and how it works. In this module, we'll be exploring what actually in it...
“What other properties do NFTs have aside from non-fungibility?” A lot, actually! Check it here...
Let's take a quick look at what the different use cases of NFTs are aside from digital artworks...
Despite how promising NFTs are, it's important to know that NFTs also have flaws and limitations...
Interested in minting, marketing, and managing NFTs? Check out Filipino-made Likha Marketplace...